Merry Christmas 2010

Best wishes for the season to the wonderful people who follow, comment and read this very irregular blog. It's been stop and go and intermittant, at best. Thanks for sticking with me.
The number of unfinished posts in the blogger dashboard almost outnumber the live posts. I hope to do better in 2011.
2010 has been a wonderful year for me, seen many good films, some great films and some not so great films. Cinematically it's been fun and I am looking forward to 2011 with renewed cinematic vigour.
On a personal and probably egotistical note it has been a very gratifying year with the publication and warm reception of my long labored over book on Rudolph Valentino. Sales have far exceeded my expectations and reviews from the likes of Leonard Maltin and so many webmasters, fellow Valentino fans and other independent reviewers has given me a rather swelled head. All in all, I still think it was a job well done and I think Valentino would not have minded too much.
Here's to a happy, healthy and wonderful holidays to each one of you. May 2011 be an even more wonderful year and a peaceful year, too.