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Tom Mix - Sky High and The Big Diamond Robbery - BluRay Review

  A big hatted Tom Mix circa 1922 Tom Mix was and still is a legend. My experience of him is very limited having seen No Man's Gold in 2018. The recent  Undercrank Productions of a double feature on bluray is a welcome addition to the scanty quality releases out there featuring this enormously popular cowboy star. Mix is the polar opposite of William S. Hart. Where Hart is taciturn and spare, Mix is outgoing and more than a little outrageous.  According to the IMDb, Mix racked up an astonishing 282 credits (Wikipedia says 291) in a career which began at Selig Polyscope in 1909. After approximately 100 films for Selig, Mix soon migrated over to William Fox Studios for another 160 film during the 1920s.  3-sheet poster (courtesy Library of Congress) Sky High was the first of nine films Tom Mix starred in in 1922. In Sky High (1922) Mix plays a Federal Agent who infiltrates a border smuggling ring who use Chinese laborers to bring in illegal goods (jewels and laces). In the proce

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